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Visitor - welcome !
Please find below a series of hardback and paperback titles on various
themes, that we trust will assist in significantly improving your health
mentally, physically and spiritually. Most of these inspirational books may be
ordered on-line through the well known vendors and distributors below. Alternately, you
may wish to review New Items, Health Articles and the essential
Eight Doctors by simply clicking the tabs located on the left-hand side of
this web page. Do feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have
by using the e:mail address below. Maranatha !

Proof Positive: Neil Nedley M.D.
How to Reliably Combat Disease and Achieve Optimal Health through
Nutrition and Lifestyle.
Excellent health resource book covering topics such as cancer,
AIDS, tubercolosis and other common ailments. Very well illustrated. To order,
please click on Barnes & Noble link below, type hardback title in
search field & click relevant link. |

Desire Of Ages: Ellen G White
If you wish to read a fully comprehensive account of the life of
Christ, you will not find a more Biblically accurate narrative.
The Desire of Ages looks back at the prophecies that foretold
when, where and how Jesus was to be born, Christ's childhood, and His ministry
on earth on behalf of man. Allow this book to inspire you to follow the
Wonderful, Counsellor, Prince of Peace, mighty God, Everlasting Father -
in short, the Desire of Ages.
Order your copy from Barnes and Noble

Ministry Of Healing: Ellen G White
A sound resource book on health that will assist to enable you to
improve your health lifestyle by following the principles of the
essential Eight Natural Doctors.
Prove whether these principles may benefit you ! Order through Barnes & Noble
now !

Medical Ministry: Ellen G White
Although this publication is an obvious choice for the doctor,
physician, nurse or general healthcare worker, all may benefit from the
medical information that provides restorative and preventative health
counsel. Also, for those interested in pursuing the development of
sanitariums, Medical Ministry will reveal the successful plan to follow.
Order direct from Barnes & Noble.

Great Controversy
- Ellen G White
The great controversy between Christ and Satan
has been enraging well before the creation of this world. How
could Lucifer, created perfectly in wisdom and beauty, become
Christ's chief
adversary as Satan ? Why was sin and suffering permitted ?
What picture do the books of Daniel and Revelation provide of the soon
coming events that will engage every human being on this earth ? How did
the Reformation begin ? What is
the seal of God and the mark of the beast ? What will heaven be like ? Allow the Bible to give
awesome answers to these all important questions.
Order your copy today from Barnes
& Noble.

Order all your paperback and hardback titles by clicking the above link.
When you access the Barnes & Noble main page, type your required
publication in the search field and enter. All relevant details will be shown
and ensure you read the reviews. Enjoy your purchase !

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